Going Unplugged

Staying trendy in the wedding industry often sees a conflict in interest. While many brides and grooms are embracing technology by setting up Instagram hash tags to capture their day, others are doing what appears to be the complete opposite and selecting to go off the grid or ‘unplugged’ as it is more commonly referred. 

So what does it mean to go ‘unplugged’ and why are so many couples choosing to go this way? Unplugged is simply as it sounds, asking your guests to shut off any technological devices (phones, camera’s, tablets etc) so that they can be truly present for the celebrations of the day. Yes that’s right kids, we’re going oldschool; no Instagram, no Facebook or any other social media sites.

The concept of going ‘unplugged’ was first brought to my attention by some photographer colleagues of mine, however is being requested more and more by couples I work with. The reasons are vast and varied.. Many are concerned that the guests cameras/devices may block the photographers images, others object to the use of social media as it takes away from the meaning invested in the ceremony, and the rest, well they simply want to have the right to post their own images of the day at a time that is more appropriate. Either way, couples are not so much objecting to use of technology, but often that it can be misused or used as a tool for validation rather than celebration (eg. The taking of ‘selfies’ or checking of status, when the focus should be on the love uniting the bride and groom to each other and their guests.)

We’ve all seen or heard the horror stories, photos come back with all guests glued to their screens rather than the ceremony, or the well-meaning guest who inadvertently provided a “first look” by posting her photo of the bride’s preparations online, or perhaps worse still the guest whose phone rings during the service. It is for this reason that for even ceremonies which elect not to go ‘unplugged’ that I always, at the very least, remind guests to switch their devices to silent.

So how do couples get their guests to go unplugged? This can be done in several ways. Either by and small inclusion in the invitations, or a well worded signs at the entrance to the venue/ceremony space (*) or by asking your celebrant to say a few words before the ceremony begins. 

I usually say something to the effect…

“Ladies and gentlemen, before the ceremony starts I’m going to take this opportunity to ask you to please turn off your mobile phones and put your digital devices away. The photographer is here will capture how this moment ‘looks’, I encourage you all to capture how it ‘feels’, without the distraction of technology”


 “Welcome to BRIDE and GROOM’s unplugged wedding. We invite you to be fully present with us during our ceremony. Please turn off all phones and cameras. Thankyou.”

Personally, I feel there should be a happy compromise. I agree that for the ceremony it is courtesy to put many devices down (and no that is not just because I am a celebrant and that is my bread and butter). I feel that the bride and groom have personally welcomed you above all others to join with them while they make their promises and therefore they want you to be present to witness them through your own eyes, not the lenses of a camera and certainly not checking your status on Facebook.

My compromise is that after the ceremony is done, and the party begins.. then by all means bring out the technology and capture the moments. I would be lost without some of the candid photos my guests took from our reception. They caught the happy chaos, laughter and moments that often we missed.

Whether you are considering an unplugged wedding.. or at the very least, an unplugged ceremony, weigh up your options. Going unplugged is becoming more than just a trend, its something that- for the right people, can have real merit. After all, your focus on the day should be on the love between the bride and groom not which Instagram filter best highlights the moment or whether your absent friends ‘like’ your images. I guarantee you that all said and done, unplugged or not.. at the end of the day being officially pronounced husband and wife that will be all the validation you will need. #winning #happily_ever_after.


(*) See Pinterest for wording ideas for signs 

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